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70s Black Women’s Fashion

The 1970s was a decade of significant change and liberation, especially for black women in the fashion world. The era witnessed the emergence of bold and expressive styles that reflected the spirit of individuality and cultural pride. In this article, we’ll explore the various elements of 70s black women’s fashion, from iconic hairstyles to the impact of the Hippie movement, and how these styles continue to influence modern trends.

The Afro Hairstyle

70s black womens fashion afro hairstyle

A Symbol of Pride and Identity

One of the most iconic aspects of 70s black women’s fashion is the Afro hairstyle. This natural and voluminous hairdo became a powerful symbol of black pride and identity during the Civil Rights Movement. The Afro allowed black women to embrace their natural hair texture and make a statement about their unique beauty.

Popular Afro Icons

Some influential women who rocked the Afro hairstyle in the 70s include Angela Davis, Pam Grier, and Diana Ross. Their iconic looks inspired many black women to follow suit and sport the Afro as a proud declaration of their heritage.

The Hippie Influence

Bohemian Dresses and Skirts

70s black womens fashion Bohemian Dresses

The Hippie movement, which began in the 1960s, greatly influenced 70s fashion. Bohemian dresses and skirts, often characterized by long, flowing silhouettes, bright colors, and bold prints, became popular among black women as well. These garments allowed them to express their free-spirited nature while staying true to their roots.

Bell-bottom Pants

70s black womens fashion Bell-bottom Pants

Another trend that emerged from the Hippie movement was bell-bottom pants. These wide-legged trousers were a staple in 70s black women’s fashion, often paired with platform shoes and fitted tops to create a balanced, yet eye-catching, silhouette.

Platform Shoes and Boots

70s black womens fashion Platform Shoes and Boots

Speaking of platform shoes, these elevated and often chunky heels were all the rage in the 70s. They came in various styles, including sandals, boots, and even sneakers. Black women in the 70s embraced platform shoes as a way to add height and make a bold fashion statement.

Bold Prints and Patterns

African-Inspired Fashion

70s black womens fashion African-Inspired Fashion

A significant aspect of 70s black women’s fashion was the incorporation of African-inspired prints and patterns. These vibrant, geometric designs showcased black women’s cultural heritage and added a unique flair to their outfits.

Psychedelic Prints

70s black womens fashion Psychedelic Prints

In addition to African-inspired prints, psychedelic patterns were also popular during the 70s. These swirling, abstract designs were often seen on maxi dresses, pants, and blouses, creating a visually striking and colorful look.

The Peacock Revolution

70s black womens fashion peacock revolution

The Peacock Revolution was a fashion movement in the late 1960s and 1970s that encouraged men to embrace more colorful and flamboyant styles. However, this movement also influenced black women’s fashion, as they started experimenting with bolder colors, unique patterns, and daring silhouettes that defied societal norms.

Jumpsuits and Pantsuits

70s black womens fashion Jumpsuits Pantsuits

Jumpsuits and pantsuits were other significant trends in 70s black women’s fashion. These one-piece garments offered a sleek and sophisticated look, often featuring wide-legged pants and belted waists. From casual denim jumpsuits to elegant satin pantsuits, black women in the 70s embraced these versatile pieces for various occasions.

Accessorizing 70s Black Women’s Fashion

Statement Jewelry

Large, bold jewelry played a crucial role in accessorizing 70s black women’s outfits. Oversized earrings, chunky necklaces, and eye-catching rings helped elevate their ensembles and make a lasting impression.

Wide-brimmed Hats

Wide-brimmed hats, such as floppy sun hats and fedoras, were a popular accessory in the 70s. These stylish headwear options added a touch of sophistication and glamour to black women’s outfits while also protecting them from the sun.

Samara Bags

Samara bags, featuring vibrant colors and intricate designs, were a sought-after accessory in the 70s. These unique handbags allowed black women to express their individuality and enhance their overall look.

Layering and Mixing Textures

Layering and mixing textures were common styling techniques in 70s black women’s fashion. Combining different fabrics, such as denim, leather, and knitwear, created visually interesting outfits that showcased their creativity and fashion-forward thinking.

From Granny Panties to High-Waisted Bikinis

The 70s also saw a shift in women’s undergarments, with high-waisted bikinis replacing the more conservative granny panties. This change in swimwear and lingerie allowed black women to embrace their curves and feel more confident in their bodies.

The Impact of 70s Black Women’s Fashion on Today’s Trends

The influence of 70s black women’s fashion can still be seen in modern trends. From the resurgence of bell-bottom pants and platform shoes to the popularity of bold prints and statement jewelry, contemporary fashion continues to draw inspiration from this iconic era.

The Rise of Disco Fashion

70s black womens fashion Rise of Disco Fashion

Sequins, Satin, and Glamour

The disco era in the late 70s brought with it a new wave of fashion that embraced glamour and glitz. Black women adopted sequined and satin outfits, as well as metallic fabrics and shimmering textures, to capture the essence of the dance floor. These glamorous pieces often featured plunging necklines, daring slits, and body-hugging silhouettes that celebrated their femininity and confidence.

The Halter Top and Wrap Dress

Two popular styles that emerged during the disco era were the halter top and wrap dress. The halter top, characterized by its backless design and neck tie, showcased black women’s shoulders and back, adding a touch of sexiness to their outfits. The wrap dress, invented by Diane von Fürstenberg, offered a flattering and versatile option that could be easily dressed up or down, depending on the occasion.

Sizzling Summer Must-Haves

70s black women’s fashion also had a significant impact on summer trends. From flowing maxi dresses and high-waisted bikinis to wide-brimmed hats and platform sandals, these styles are still relevant today as sizzling summer must-haves.

Body Shapes and Dressing for Confidence

During the 70s, black women began to embrace their unique body shapes and learned to dress in ways that accentuated their natural assets. This awareness has carried on to modern times, with resources available to help women dress according to their specific body shapes, such as the banana body shape, V-shape body, and triangle body shape.

Influence on the Next Decade: 90s Black Women’s Fashion

The boldness and creativity of 70s black women’s fashion paved the way for the styles seen in the 90s black women’s fashion. While the 90s brought about its own unique trends, such as the rise of streetwear and the popularity of crop tops, the spirit of individuality and cultural pride from the 70s continued to thrive.

The Legacy of 70s Black Women’s Fashion

70s black women’s fashion has left an indelible mark on the fashion industry, inspiring designers and fashion enthusiasts alike. The era’s iconic styles and trends not only shaped the fashion landscape but also empowered black women to express their identity and creativity.


The 70s was a revolutionary era for black women’s fashion, marked by groundbreaking styles and a celebration of cultural identity. From the iconic Afro hairstyle to the rise of disco fashion and the impact on modern trends, the 70s continue to inspire and influence the fashion world. With its lasting legacy, 70s black women’s fashion serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of self-expression and individuality in fashion.



  1. What was the significance of the Afro hairstyle in the 70s? The Afro hairstyle was a symbol of black pride and identity, allowing black women to embrace their natural hair and express their unique beauty.
  2. How did the Hippie movement influence 70s black women’s fashion? The Hippie movement inspired black women to wear bohemian dresses, skirts, and bell-bottom pants, embracing a free-spirited and colorful style.
  3. What role did African-inspired prints play in 70s black women’s fashion? African-inspired prints showcased black women’s cultural heritage and added a unique flair to their outfits.
  4. How did layering and mixing textures contribute to the 70s black women’s fashion style?Layering and mixing textures allowed black women to create visually interesting and fashion-forward outfits by combining various fabrics and patterns.
    1. How do modern fashion trends draw inspiration from 70s black women’s fashion? Contemporary fashion often features elements from the 70s, such as bell-bottom pants, platform shoes, bold prints, and statement jewelry, highlighting the lasting influence of this iconic era.


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